Welcome to the Immigration History Calendar!
Thank you for stopping by to contribute to the Immigration History Calendar! I'm excited to develop what I hope will be an incredibly useful community resource.
The goal is to go deeper than the usual history textbook level of immigration history and include information that is useful to teachers, professors, researchers, and journalists who need more than the basics. Of particular interest are local, state, and regional events that may *not* be captured by other resources, so be creative!
The form is very simple and should take only a few minutes at most to complete––although it may change over time as we learn more from you about what's useful.
An "event" should be interpreted broadly. Examples include: key court decisions; passage, enactment, or termination of important laws; immigration-related policy announcements; major life events of notable immigrants or immigration-related historical figures; significant immigration raids; publication of key books or texts about immigration, etc. Events do not need to be limited to the United States.
Fill out the form as thoroughly as possible. Events added to the calendar will be organized and hosted online at immigrationhistorycalendar.com in a nicer format, although the underlying spreadsheet is already accessible publicly.
Update: We got the Twitter handle @immigrationcal. We will start scheduling out information about historic events in the first quarter of the year.
Austin Kocher, PhD